See the bottom of this README document for feature additions and "undocumented feature changes" (a.k.a. bug fixes).
What is it?
RAW (Remote Access Window) Bar is an application that places a small menubar-like window at the bottom of your screen that displays the current status, connected modem speed, and receive data throughput of your internet connection. You can also connect or disconnect from the internet via two buttons in the lower right corner.
RAW Bar pretty much does the same thing as the Remote Access Status application in the Apple Menu of MacOS 8.5.x. However, RAW Bar takes up MUCH less screen space and gives you actual bytes per second throughput as data is passed to your computer from any Remote Access connection (usually the internet). Ever wonder whether that whiz-bang high speed modem you bought is really "high speed" over your phone lines? RAW Bar will answer that question.
System Requirements
Any Macintosh running MacOS 8.5 or greater.
AppleScript must be installed. (AppleScript is part of MacOS 8.5 "standard" installation. If your not sure if it's installed on your computer, don't worry about it. It's probably there.)
Specifically, RAW Bar looks for (and uses) the Network Setup Scripting application and the Remote Access Commands scripting addition. Both of these items should be placed in your Scripting Additions folder that is inside your System folder.
Quick Start
Double-click the RAW Bar icon in the Finder.
RAW Bar will automatically sense the current remote access status and adjust its settings accordingly--even if you like to constantly change screen resolutions on the fly.
Edit Menu
Menu Item: Preferences...
Opens the Preferences Window. From here you can change the update frequency for RAW Bar, as well as select any font and size for RAW Bar's status display. On slower machines, RAW Bar can become more "processor friendly" by setting the update frequency to 5 seconds.
Version 1.1.0 adds a few more goodies to this window. See the version history below for details.
Control Menu
Menu Item: Connect
Establishes a connection based upon your current settings in the Remote Access control panel in your Control Panels folder.
Menu Item: Disconnect
Disconnects any open connections.
RAW Bar is shareware!
That means if you find it useful, please send me $10 (U.S. dollars). I have purposely not placed any annoying shareware messages or crippled the software in any way.
Anyone who registers RAW Bar (this is done by sending me the shareware fee) will be entitled to a free upgrade to the "enhanced" version I'm working on. For everyone else, I'll probably sell the enhanced version for $20 (U.S. dollars) and lock out some of the more advanced features until the shareware fee is paid.
Version History
1.0.2 March 12, 1999. First shareware release.
Features: Ability to connect/disconnect from status bar
Ability to change status bar font and size
Ability to alter status bar update time interval
Status bar will auto-resize itself if screen resolution
1.1.0 March 20, 1999. First major revision and feature update.
New Features: Added modem connection (bps) rate to status bar
Added ability to disconnect without annoying window
Added font preview in preferences window
Added icons to status bar
Added ability to hide/show icons on status bar
1.1.1 March 21, 1999. Minor feature update.
New Features: Added ability to place status bar at top or bottom of screen
Added ability to display standard remote access connection
Changes: Reorganized preferences window to accomodate new features
1.1.2 March 21, 1999. Bug Fix
Fixed: Apple Menu items are now available (RAW Bar is no longer